About David Whitehead

Born in Calgary Alberta, and currently residing in British Columbia Canada, David is a Martial Arts instructor, podcaster and independent researcher.
Feb 4, 2017

More Relevant Now Than Ever…

2017-02-04T20:03:08+00:00February 4th, 2017|Categories: — dave blog|

“Organized groups do most of the thinking for the populace at large. In a natural antipathy to thinking, which is hard work, practically every person depends upon some organization to do the thinking for him. The individual seldom knows where he gets his so-called facts; along with opinions, they are

Jan 19, 2017

Pope Francis

2017-01-19T03:56:53+00:00January 19th, 2017|Categories: — dave blog|

Pope Francis Equates Christianity to Communism In an interview with Pope Francis published November 11 by the Italian newspaper, Repubblica, the supreme authority of the Catholic Church equated Christianity with Communism when asked about his views on Marxist ideology. “It is the communists, in all cases, that think like Christians. Christ has

Jan 19, 2017

Self Esteem

2017-01-19T03:46:07+00:00January 19th, 2017|Categories: — dave blog|

SELF-ESTEEM AS A SPIRITUAL DISCIPLINE Four decades ago, when I began lecturing on self-esteem, the challenge was to persuade people that the subject was worthy of study. Almost no one was talking about self-esteem in those days. Today, almost everyone seems to be talking about self-esteem, and the danger is

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